Fools of the World

Safe As 
Milk Re-release in November??

If there's just one album in all of The 77's/Mike Roe discography that you would pick out as being the one to cause the most headaches, Safe As Milk is it. With all the censorship and bad deals made over this record, Mike will surely moan a sigh of relief once this one is reissued.

For those of you who have ordered the 12 song version of the album, you well know by now that VIA sold out of them, and is not going to manufacture anymore. But, the contracts are nearly completed for Mike to re-release this great album on Fools Of The World! You honestly would not believe how much of a hassle it's been for Mike to get this back out, which is due sometime this fall.

Be assured that those of you who have sent in your money will receive the first shipment of orders once they arrive. Mike wishes to thank all of you for your enduring patience during all of this mess, and hopes that the wait will be well worth it. Thanks again a million times over for sticking it out!